Kitchen Hacks

There are always little tricks and tips to make life easier. I am putting down a few that work for me. Will add to this every Sunday.

1) Cutting onion

Who hasn’t cried when onions are being chopped?! Well, I do a couple of things to reduce tearing:

a) If I know in advance I want to use onions in my cooking (doesn’t happen to often since I make last minute decisions), I refrigerate for 30 minutes or so prior to chopping.

b) For immediate need, I wet the knife and the peeled onion before chopping. Helps to a great extent.

2) Peeling ginger

Peeling ginger with a spoon really does work! Made it super easy. Of course, one can choose to not peel at all.

3) Boiling milk

Keeping a wooden ladle on top of the pan (as in the above image) helps milk from boiling over and leaving a mess to clean up.

Milk has boiled, but no spill